In 2020, ODIHR and ENNHRI organized the first-ever online edition of the NHRI Academy, in partnership with the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). The programme focused on NHRI promotion mandates and a human rights narrative on migration. It included sessions on promoting human rights of migrants to the public and policy makers, and provided participants with a toolkit for modern, safe, innovative, and human rights-based communication about migration issues.
To learn these skills and tools, watch the videos below!
Mainstreaming Gender and Paris Principles in NHRIs work
Gender Mainstreaming
In this video, you will learn how you can mainstream gender when exercising the promotion mandate at your NHRI.
Paris Principles
In this video, you will learn how you can mainstream Paris Principles when exercising the promotion mandate at your NHRI.
Promoting Human Rights
Diversity, pluralism and cooperation with CSOs
Learn about the diversity of NHRIs, the trends in their establishment and strengthening. Most importantly, find out how NHRIs may cooperate with civil society.
Human rights education
Watch this video to understand the promotional mandate of NHRIs and to learn about successful examples of the promotion of human rights.
Cooperation with cities and regions
In this video, you will learn about the cooperation of NHRIs with cities and regions in the context of promotion of human rights.
Advice to policymakers
Find out more about different functions of NHRIs, including how to advise policy makers.
Campaigning for better migration policies
Drivers of attitudes towards migrants
Did you ever think what are the key drivers of attitudes towards migrants and what is it that shapes the public debate on migration? Watch this video and learn more about what drivers shape the public debate.
How to create positive impact on migration narratives
Did you ever feel hopeless when trying to address the negative narrative about migration? There are tactics and skills you can use when communicating on migration. These should help you to create positive impact on migration narratives.
Role of NHRIs in promoting human rights
Watch this video to learn more about the role of NHRIs in communicating about migration and how to do it.
Challenges and frames
Watch this video and learn how to effectively engage middle audiences in a campaigning process. You will also get to know what do these terms and concepts mean in practice and why to do this type of campaigning.
Effective responses and campaign case study
In this video, you will learn why should we target the so-called ‘movable middle’ and how can we understand this group better. All this will be illustrated by experience and lessons learned from a project called, New Migration Narratives for Constructive Dialogue.
Role of NHRIs in changing the public debate
What can you do as an NHRI to contribute to the change of a public narrative about a specific topic? Watch this video and learn recommendations on the role of NHRIs in communicating about migration and changing the public debate.
“The course content was excellent. The particular focus on narratives and framing was directly useful to my work.”

Feedback collected during the 2020 NHRI Academy, co-organized by ODIHR and ENNHRI (in partnership with FRA) in October 2020.
NHRI staff memberStrategic communication for narrative change
Hope-based communication: from fear to hope
Watch this video to learn about hope-based communications, the narrative shift from fear to hope and how to develop new ways of talking about human rights and migration.
Hope-based communication: from against to for
Watch this video to learn about the narrative shift from “against” to “for” and how to develop new ways of talking about human rights and migration.
Hope-based communication: from victim to hero
This video should teach you how to shift the narrative from victim to hero and how to develop new ways of talking about human rights and migration.
Hope-based communication: from problem to solution
In this video, you will learn about the narrative shift from problem to solution and how to develop new ways of talking about human rights and migration.
Hope-based communication: from threat to opportunity
This video should help you to understand the narrative shift from threat to opportunity and how to develop new ways of talking about human rights and migration.
“For me as a lawyer it was very, very valuable to hear those things and learn more about how to communicate more efficiently, because it is not something that most lawyers naturally know how to do. It kind of opened a new world to me.”

Feedback collected during the 2020 NHRI Academy, co-organized by ODIHR and ENNHRI (in partnership with FRA) in October 2020.
NHRI staff memberAll these videos were recorded during the 2020 NHRI Academy, which was co-organised by ODIHR and ENNHRI, this year also in partnership with FRA. It took place online in October 2020 and focused on NHRIs promotion mandate and communication about migration.